A cyclist was killed by a speeding hit and run driver who was later caught and charged by the police.
A ghost bike was installed in November 2011. And soon after that the ghost bike was removed by Mikkeli authorities because they thought it obstructed public works.
The ghost bike was returned to it's orginal location after that. There has been a lot of discussion in the media and on blogs about the
controversal removal and bicycle safety in general since.
More information on the Crash and ghost bike (in Finnish)
"Suojatiellä yliajanut pakeni paikalta"
("Driver escaped the scene of pedestrian crossing crash")
"Rinnekadulla yliajettu nainen kuoli vammoihinsa lauantaina"
("The woman hit on stret Rinnekatu died on her injuries on Saturday")
"Poliisi kaipaa lisää silminnäkijöitä Rinnekadun kolarille"
("The police wants more eye witnesses on the Rinnekatu crash")
"Aavepyörä ilmestyi Rinnekadulle"
("Ghost bike appeared on street Rinnekatu")
"Valkoinen polkupyörä hiljentää yliajopaikalla"
("A white bicycle silences on the scene of accident")
"Aavepyörä palautettiin onnettomuusristeykseen"
("The ghost bike was returned to the crossing of the accident")
"Pyöräilijöiden turvallisuus puhuttaa Mikkelissä"
("The safety of the bicyclists is a hot topic in Mikkeli")
A cyclist was killed by a speeding hit and run driver who was later caught and charged by the police.
A ghost bike was installed in November 2011. And soon after that the ghost bike was removed by Mikkeli authorities because they thought it obstructed public works.
The ghost bike was returned to it's orginal location after that. There has been a lot of discussion in the media and on blogs about the
controversal removal and bicycle safety in general since.
More information on the Crash and ghost bike (in Finnish)
"Suojatiellä yliajanut pakeni paikalta"
("Driver escaped the scene of pedestrian crossing crash")
"Rinnekadulla yliajettu nainen kuoli vammoihinsa lauantaina"
("The woman hit on stret Rinnekatu died on her injuries on Saturday")
"Poliisi kaipaa lisää silminnäkijöitä Rinnekadun kolarille"
("The police wants more eye witnesses on the Rinnekatu crash")
"Aavepyörä ilmestyi Rinnekadulle"
("Ghost bike appeared on street Rinnekatu")
"Valkoinen polkupyörä hiljentää yliajopaikalla"
("A white bicycle silences on the scene of accident")
"Aavepyörä palautettiin onnettomuusristeykseen"
("The ghost bike was returned to the crossing of the accident")
"Pyöräilijöiden turvallisuus puhuttaa Mikkelissä"
("The safety of the bicyclists is a hot topic in Mikkeli")